Saturday, July 21, 2007

Luke Chapter 7

Luke 7

Vv1-10 : The great faith of the Centurion has healed
his servant.

Vv11-17: Jesus raised a widow's son.


Contrasting John's ministry with Jesus' ministry gives
me insight of God's overall salvation plan for us.
From the beginning up until John the Baptist, it was
God preparing for the way of the Messiah, Jesus
Christ. The former was rule-based which result in a
rigid lifestyle, the latter requires a change of heart
and is faith-based which resulted in true freedom in
the year of our Lord.

Vv18- 23
Jesus gave clearly observable evidence to John's
disciple that reflected the predicted ministry of the
Messiah. In Jesus' review of his works, he used an
ascending scale of impressive deeds, ending with the
dead raised and the good news preached to the poor.
In this way he reminded that these things were
fulfillment of the prophecies. (Source: NIV Study

Jesus affirmed that John was the unique prophet sent
to prepare the way of the Messiah.

V28 He who is the least in the kingdom is greater
than John the Baptist? Why?

The verse parallels Mt 11:11 John belonged to the age
of the old covenant, which was preparatory to Christ.
The least NT saint has a high privilege in Christ as
part of his bride than John the Baptist, who was only
a friend of the bridegroom (Jn 3:29)

"He who is the least" – In Mt 18:3-4, Jesus stated, "
I tell you the truth, unless you change and become
like little children, you will never enter the kingdom
of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like
this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
….such a person, though "least" is regarded by God as
even greater than John the Baptist. Wow! How
privileged are we to be born in the NT times!

Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman

V47: The love of the sinful woman for Jesus was
evidence of her forgiveness. Our salvation from our
sinful past should result in our love for our Lord.
V50: The sinful woman was saved by faith.

Clearly, this account of Jesus being anointed by a
sinful woman is one of the many examples that reflects
Jesus' ministry of changing hearts and lives of

Luke, Su

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