Saturday, July 21, 2007

Luke Chapter 5

Luke 5

The calling of the First Disciples


Simon Peter's obedience ("because you say so, I will
let down the nets.") is an example for us to follow -
it is an important trait of Jesus' disciple.

Simon Peter's reaction speaks to me: when he
"recognized who Jesus was" (previous chapters speak
about Jesus' ministry and His mission on earth), he
saw his own sinfulness! I recalled that when I was
confronted with the gospel, He revealed to me my
sinfulness and the darkness in my life and moved me to
repentance and a changed heart. Then, He filled me
the peace that surpassed all understanding when I
received His salvation. When confronted with the
gracious, merciful, loving, holy and most High God, I
guess our only response could only be a humbling,
repenting one – there is nothing we could do to
deserve His great love over for sinful soul but to
accept and received His unconditional love just as we

The Man with Leprosy

V12-13 – Jesus healed the man with leprosy. - the
man appeared to have a very simple faith (Lord, if you
are willing, you can make me clean) - It is a simple
statement but is reflects his incredible faith! I
want to acknowledge my Lord and my God as well! I
believe that if He is willing, he can make me …..(
yes, any quality that I lack, I can go before Him, my
Lord and my God)

V14 - Jesus asked the man whom he healed to submit to
the Abrahamic laws and regulations as a testimony to
others. The emphasis appears to be the call to be
obedient and to submit to certain rules /authorities

V16 - Again, Jesus withdrew to lonely places and
prayed. Time spent in solitude with the Lord appears
to be key in getting ourselves in tune with His Voice.

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

VV 17 – 20 – Faith is a critical element that results
in healing, both physical and spiritual.

V24 – Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive

The Calling of the Levi

V31 - Jesus came for the sick and sinners and to call
them to repentance. He spent a lot of time eating and
drinking with them, along with His disciples.
Contrasting between his ministry and those of the
Pharisees and John the Baptist's, Jesus and his
disciples enjoyed a freedom not known by the
Pharisees' whose lifestyles tended to be a lot more
rigorous and legalistic.

Jesus' ministry is marked by authentic change of heart
attitude…He opposes legalistic display of false
righteousness in every ways (fasting….) The parable of
the new wine and old wineskin sent a strong message to
those who are reluctant to change from traditional
religious, legalistic religious ways to the gospel of
salvation – the new wine will burst the old wineskins
and the win will run out and the wineskins will be


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