Sunday, July 15, 2007

Luke 4:38-44

Just a couple notes to finish off Luke 4...

Why does Jesus instruct the evil spirits not to say that He is the Son of God?
This occurs in Luke 4:35 and 4:41.
Also, sometimes Jesus would heal someone yet instruct him not to tell anyone.
Something to think about, I'll write more about this later...

Teaching and Ministry
Luke 4:40 tells us that beginning at sunset, people began bringing the sick to Him to be healed and Jesus would heal them. 4:42, Jesus withdraws to a secluded place while the crowds were searching for Him and even tried to keep Him from leaving. Mark 1 has a parallel account of this story. In Mark's account, Simon(Peter) comes to Jesus and says the crowds are searching for Him! In short, Luke 4:40, 42-44 and Mark 1:32-39 illustrate the dilemma we all face in church ministry today. How many times have we heard the refrain, "There is so much that needs to be done at church!" In these passages, Jesus shows us how we are to handle it. See my blog entry on Mark 1 for more. But we see in Luke, as we do in Mark, that Jesus' primary focus is to teach, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose." Note that He didn't mention healing, though He continued to heal people.

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