posting did not go through because I sent these as a
word attachment. I thought Kayan was reviewing these
first and then posting. haha. Anyway, here are my
first entries.
Luke Chapter 1 –
• Main point of this chapter appears to be laid out in
1:1-4, that the reader (specifically, Theophilus) is
being given a pretty detailed account of Jesus'
background. It occurred to me that the amount of
detail is prodigious as supported by the author
describing Elizabeth's pregnancy in months (first 5,
then sixth, etc).
• I found interesting the comparison between the
pregnancies of Zacharias/Elizabeth and Joseph/Mary.
• Similarities: God sent His angel Gabriel to speak
to one party of each of the couples. Both Zach and
Mary were initially afraid as Gabriel remarked to
each, "Do not be afraid…" Both Zach and Mary appeared
to exhibit initial apprehension to what Gabriel said.
• Differences: Gabriel spoke to Zachariah (man) and
Mary (woman). It appears that Zach/Elizabeth asked
God for a child, whereas Mary/Joseph did not.
Gabriel's response to the apprehension conveyed by
Zach and Mary is very different. In Zach's case, he
is slightly rebuked for his doubt, but Mary is only
encouraged by Gabriel and by no means rebuked.
• The multiple use of the word "favor" concerning Mary
in 1:28-30 is interesting. Perhaps the implication is
that finding favor with God can result in miraculous
things. In fact, seven verses later in 1:37, it
states, "For nothing will be impossible with God."
• A question arises as to why God uses angels
(Gabriel) to communicate at times, particularly given
the paramount importance of this event. Why would He
not communicate directly?
• What is the purpose of the clearly different
structure of The Magnificat 1:46-55?
Key Takeaways – It appears from this chapter that God
works in at least two different ways. He answers the
petitions of those that call to Him (Zachariah), and
He also works without being asked (Mary). Clay. 7/3/07
Luke Chapter 2 -
• Again, when the angel of the Lord appeared before
the shepherds, the angel said, "Do not be afraid…"
This was the exact same response by Gabriel to both
Zachariah and Mary. Why the need and purpose to
constantly reiterate this point? Perhaps it is just
human nature to be afraid of something one has never
seen or experienced before. However, the exact
phrasing and repetition of the statement makes me
think that there is some other reason for the
statement, "Do not be afraid…"
• Use of the word "Spirit" or "Holy Spirit" in
reference to Simeon is pronounced (mentioned 3 times)
in Luke 2:25-27. I went back to chapter 1 and found
seven occurrences of the word "Spirit". Makes me
wonder why God communicates through the Holy Spirit at
times, directly, through prophets, or through angels.
• How did Simeon and Anna, the prophetess know that
they were in the presence of the Christ?
• I found it interesting in that it appears that God
gave continuous affirmation to Mary and Joseph that
they were indeed in the presence of the Christ
throughout chapter 2. Clay. 7/3/07
Luke Chapter 3 –
• Definition of Tetrarch - Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin tetrarcha, from
Greek tetrarchEs, from tetra- + -archEs –arch
1 : a governor of the fourth part of a province
2 : a subordinate prince
I wanted to look this word up since it has not been a
highly utilized component of my vocabulary.
• It seems that there is a pattern through chapters 1
through 3 that what God says will be done, will in
fact occur. This is supported by the birth of Jesus,
the birth of John as told by Isaiah the prophet in
Luke 3:4-6.
• Did not fully understand the whole wheat and chaff
metaphor by John, and it seemed particularly
• Completely missed the meaning of the Genealogy of
Jesus verses. I know that these are important but
nonetheless was unable to understand it. Clay. 7/3/07
Luke 1:
- Really good observation about Luke's attention to detail, in particular his identity as a doctor. Todd Spitzer mentioned that in the Book of Acts, also written by Luke, the details in some of the miracles performed by the Holy Spirit via Peter were also described in precise medical terms. (Lost in English translations though.)
- Why communicate via angels, not directly - interesting!
- It appears from this chapter that God works in at least two different ways... - !!!!
Excellent point that what God says will be done, will in fact occur. From the Genesis 1 study w/ Dorman, this is a clear theme in the Creation story: "God said... And there was ..." - exactly as He specified.
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