Friday, July 6, 2007

Luke 4 (originally posted July 5th)

vv1-12 Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days.

Temptations of Satan:

- tell stone to become bread (physical temptation - Jesus was without food for forty days)
-all the authority and splendor of the world (temptation of worldly power and glamor)
- temptation to test God's limit - If God is so good,loves you, powerful...., He would do....

vv 4,8,12: Jesus resisted all Satan's temptation using God's Word!

Takeaway: I shall immerse myself in His Word, develop habit of memorizing key scriptures for they are the best shield against temptations!

vv18,19: Jesus' ministry on earth which is
- To preach good news to the poor (Wow, the poor is close to Jesus' heart)
- To proclaim freedom for the prisoners (True liberation/freedom from all sort of bondages - we are now truly free to choose to do what's right and pleasing to Him) I believe this true freedom is different from the worldly free will/freedom to do whatever one's right in his own eyes - for this is a bondage in a different way - it results in more bondages.

- To give sight to the blind - truly, all of us were spiritually blind at one point until we received His new life into our lives! This reminded me of John Newton, the slave trader, in Amazing Grace, in his words, " Was blind, but now I see!"

- To release the oppressed - Jesus is in the business of setting the oppressed free!

- To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor - To proclaim the good news of Salvation to all!

vv 24-29 Jesus was rejected in his hometown. Let us not be like those in Nazareth, let us hold fast onto the good news of salvation through Jesus! Like Naaman who believed Elisha's word and was healed of leprosy.

vv31-37 Jesus taught with authority (v32). Jesus has authority and powe over evil spirits. He drove them out.

vv38-40: Jesus healed many and drove out demons of many.

v42: Jesus retreated to a solitary place - If Jesus needed to have quiet time alone with His Father, how much more so do I need to develop a daily devotional/quiet time with Him? May God help me develop a discipline of daily devotional time with him.

v43 - Jesus was faithful and singleminded in His ministry that He was sent for. May He also help me to be singleminded to walk my faith journey - to seek to know and please Him with all of my life!

- Su

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