Monday, July 2, 2007

Luke - A chapter a day

We're trying an experiment: To read, and blog, each chapter of The Gospel of Luke.

It's completely free-form. The goals are to:
1. Establish daily devotion time
2. Encourage, challenge, and learn from each other in the Word
3. Experience the pure joy of the Holy Spirit revealing Himself in the Bible

Let's go!
- Kayan


Su Tay said...
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Su Tay said...

vv1-4: Praise God for the faithful men who were obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit to keep careful and orderly account of what happened so that we may know that our faith is based on solid ground and so that we can live according to His will with confidence.

vv23-25: Elizabeth was quick to acknowlege God's faithfulness and grace in her life. Her intimate relationship with Christ was reflected by her response to God's gift for her (her pregnancy) - she spent five months in seclusion with Him. Takeaway: Time alone with God will deepen my relationship with Him.

v38: Mary's obedience and humility (servant heart) were probably the qualities that gained her favor in the Lord's eyes. May He culcultivate in my heart and make it ever more atune to the leading of the Holy Spirit so that I can see His work in my life with increasing clarity.

vv46-55: Mary's song once again reflects her intimacy with God. She was confident of God's will for her and embraced it with joy. She knew her Lord and understood His character. May God continue to mold me to be like Mary - obedient, humble, joyful and full of praise!

Su Tay said...

Luke 2 -

The birth of Jesus was perfectly timed (to enter the history of humanity) and orchestrated by our Heavenly Father - Jesus' humble birth was intentional - birth in a manger for there was no room for Him in the inn! Wow, what a humble birth that God had chosen for His Son! Truly, there must be some lessons I can learn from this:

1. Is the humble birth an expression of His infinite love for us? - His love for us is so infinitely deep that He chose to identify with the true state of my soul - my nothingness and totally sinful nature.

2. Knowing that I have done nothing to deserve what the most High God has done for me, I therefore should know that there is nothing in life I should hold on to so dearly that I cannot let go because truly my life belongs to Him. How else should I live to receive this great love that He has shown me?

3. vv 8-20 described the celebration of Jesus' birth by the heavenly host as well as the shepherds' praises. Truly, the birth of Jesus was the single most important event in the history of humanity that had taken place, as reflected in Simeon's prophecy in v34:

This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed....

Do I truly take this seriously? Lord, please show me and forgive me for my slowness in responding to Your great love!

ying said...

Musings and Life Lessons from the book of Luke:
Chapter 1-NAS

v.1-4: There were those who were eyewitnesses to the things (miracles, healings perhaps) accomplished among them (disciples and followers of Christ I believe).
-People say seeing is believing, but faith is believing the truth that has been taught us and revealed to us in the Word and through the Holy Spirit. Thoughts?

But then there are "servants of the word (gospel)". When I think of the word servant, I usually think about the servant of a king, or master, or a human being. What does it mean to be a servant of the word?

Or when Mary calls herself "the bondslave of the Lord (or the Lord's servant [NIV]) in v.38, 48. And when she says that "He (God) has given help to Israel His servant" in v.54.
-Who or what are we a slave to?

I also observed the theme of fear throughout Ch.1...

v.12: Fear gripped Zacharias when he saw the angel of the Lord.
v.65: Fear came on all those living around Zacharias and Elizabeth, after Zacharias began speaking again, after having been kept silent.
-Fear is very real.

But then there is reassurance from the Lord...

v.13: "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, (why?) for his petition (prayer) has been heard".
v.30: "Do not be afraid, Mary; (why?), for you have found favor with God."
-God answers prayer and He is with us and wants to bless us.

-Interesting to note too that Elizabeth earlier in v.25 says that the Lord also looked with favor upon her, by allowing her to become pregnant, and taking away her disgrace among men. Interesting statement that she made, considering her circumstance and how both she and Zacharias were righteous and blameless in the sight of God (v.6).

Continuing on the thought of fear...

v.50: Mary states that "His mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him".
v.74-75: Zacharias says that we might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.
-So fear Him (because God is holy) and then serve Him without fear.

Now on to the Holy Spirit...

v.15: The angel tells Zacharias that his son John will be filled with the Holy Spirit and tells Zacharias all the things that John will do.
v.35: The angel tells Mary that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power that will come.
v.41: Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and blesses Mary.
v.67: Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and he prophesied.
-The indwelling of the Holy Spirit and His power to do and say things that bring glory to God.

Last thoughts:
The NAS uses the word "behold" 6 times in Ch.1:
-Each time a significant announcement is made.

I looked up the definition online (Merriam-Webster dictionary):
to perceive through sight or apprehension; or to gaze upon.

-What do we consider significant enough that we can say "Behold!"?
-I know this is a Luke study, but remember what John said in John 1:29:
"Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

Thanks for reading...Good night and God bless.


ying said...

Chapter 2 - New American Standard Version

The birth of Jesus happened quietly, at night, without many people around.

Imagine the Savior born in humble surroundings, with no announcement except that spoken by the angel, and then suddenly praises from a multitude of heavenly hosts.

v.10 - "good news", "great joy", "for all the people"
v.14 - "Glory to God", "peace among men"

-What does Christ's coming mean to me and to you? What words would you use to describe His birth?

Throughout the chapter, I found there are lots of "seeing and looking", things being "revealed" or made known, and things being said and told.

v.15-The shepherds went to Bethlehem to "see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to them".

v.17-The shepherds saw, and made known the statement which had been told them about Jesus.

v.18-All who heard wondered at the things told by the shepherds.

v.20-The shepherds praised God for all that they heard and seen, just as had been told them.

v.25-Simeon was "looking for the consolation of Israel".

v.26-It was revealed to Simeon by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

v.30-Simeon says "For my eyes have seen Thy salvation".

v.32-"A light of revelation to the Gentiles".

v.33- Joseph and Mary were amazed at the things which were said about Him.

v.35b-" the end that thoughts from many hearts will be revealed".

v.38-Anna spoke of Him to all those who were looking for Jerusalem's redemption.

v.44-45: Joseph and Mary were "looking for Jesus".

v.47-48: All who heard Him were amazed, and when they (Joseph and Mary) saw Him, they were astonished. Joseph and Mary were anxiously looking for Jesus.

-What have we heard from others about Jesus? And what has been said about Him? --> "Who do the people say I am?...Who do you say I am?" (looking ahead in Luke 9)

-What has been revealed to each of us that we can tell others? Are we looking for something more? Is Jesus enough?

Reminds me of the following praise song:
"Enough" - Passion/Chris Tomlin

All of you is more than enough for all of me,
For every thirst and every need.
You satisfy me with your love, and all I have in you is more than enough.

You’re my supply, my breath of life,
Still more awesome than I know,
You’re my reward, worth living for,
Still more awesome than I know.

You’re my sacrifice of greatest price,
Still more awesome than I know,
You’re my coming king, you are everything,
Still more awesome than I know.

More than all I want, more than all I need,
You are more than enough for me.
More than all I know, more than all I can see,
You are more than enough for me.

Again, thanks for reading my lengthy comment.

Good night, God bless.


Su Tay said...

Chapter 3:


When the word of God (v2) came to John, he began his preaching on a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin. This was to fulfill the scripture as well as to prepare the way for Jesus.

v7-9: John's message of repentance distinguishes true repentence as one that was clearly evidenced by its fruit v8. He cautioned against not bearing fruit v9.

vv10- 14: True repentence resulted in an obvious change in heart attitude as well as outward behavior:
- share clothings and food with those who have none
- conduct business honestly
- Don't extort, don't accuse falsely and be content.

vv 16,17: Jesus' ministry was different from John's in that His was marked by power. Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire (?) as opposed to John who baptized with water.

v21: Jesus was baptized by John - Why? This act appears to reflect His humble and obedient heart to identify with us all.

v22 -Jesus is God's beloved Son.

Su Tay said...

Chapter 4

vv1-12 Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days.

Temptations of Satan:

- tell stone to become bread (physical temptation - Jesus was without food for forty days)
-all the authority and splendor of the world (temptation of worldly power and glamor)
- temptation to test God's limit - If God is so good,loves you, powerful...., He would do....

vv 4,8,12: Jesus resisted all Satan's temptation using God's Word!

Takeaway: I shall immerse myself in His Word, develop habit of memorizing key scriptures for they are the best shield against temptations!

vv18,19: Jesus' ministry on earth which is
- To preach good news to the poor (Wow, the poor is close to Jesus' heart)
- To proclaim freedom for the prisoners (True liberation/freedom from all sort of bondages - we are now truly free to choose to do what's right and pleasing to Him) I believe this true freedom is different from the worldly free will/freedom to do whatever one's right in his own eyes - for this is a bondage in a different way - it results in more bondages.

- To give sight to the blind - truly, all of us were spiritually blind at one point until we received His new life into our lives! This reminded me of John Newton, the slave trader, in Amazing Grace, in his words, " Was blind, but now I see!"

- To release the oppressed - Jesus is in the business of setting the oppressed free!

- To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor - To proclaim the good news of Salvation to all!

vv 24-29 Jesus was rejected in his hometown. Let us not be like those in Nazareth, let us hold fast onto the good news of salvation through Jesus! Like Naaman who believed Elisha's word and was healed of leprosy.

vv31-37 Jesus taught with authority (v32). Jesus has authority and powe over evil spirits. He drove them out.

vv38-40: Jesus healed many and drove out demons of many.

v42: Jesus retreated to a solitary place - If Jesus needed to have quiet time alone with His Father, how much more so do I need to develop a daily devotional/quiet time with Him? May God help me develop a discipline of daily devotional time with him.

v43 - Jesus was faithful and singleminded in His ministry that He was sent for. May He also help me to be singleminded to walk my faith journey - to seek to know and please Him with all of my life!